lunch line

I was dreaming I was at work making wallets. I was helping a guy sew. I don’t know why I was helping because there wasn’t really anything to do.

Something happened to the guy, his face turned red. He told me to take a piece of paper stating his condition, to the nurse and the nurse would know what to do.

I found myself in that building I go ’round and ’round in.

This time, I found a huge kitchen, bakery, butcher shop and dinning area. I watched the workers prepare foods and meats to sell and eat. I kept coming upon this area but it was not my turn for break.

Finally, It was break time; it was my turn to go through the lunch line. There was every kind of food imaginable.

Just when it was my turn, they run out of huge dinner plates. There were only small plates. That ruined my plans to fill my plate. There was so much to choose from and I wanted to try something of everything.

I found the food place because I couldn’t remember how to get to the nurse’s office. I was going ’round and ’round.

One of my rounds I encountered a high steep ramp, it would have led me right to the nurses office but there was no way to climb that steep ramp. I don’t think anyone could.

I found out what the ramp was for, that was how supplies were delivered to the floor I was on. I stood and watched a cart full of supplies come down the ramp and pass by.