Waterfalls and Ice

This dream I was walking in a city, unknown to me. I came across what looked like Niagra Falls and the ocean. The ocean was flowing over the falls. There was a storm and the waves were crashing over the falls, making a loud thundering noise it echoed through the neighborhood.

I walked a little further, I found myself on a very high hill looking over another neighborhood in the same city. I then realized, the lowest parts of the village was completely under water. It was flooded.style

 The sidewalk was icy, I slid down the hill a little. It was too icy and steep for me to climb up. Some old lady appeared and helped me back up.

Once again I was trying to climb out, just like other dreams I had before. I thought the falls and ocean scene was really spectacular. I wish I could draw it!

malfunction, malfunction

This dream is a crazy dream, about something that went wrong at work.

I don’t really work here. It was about a machine that went wrong. It was a huge robotic machine. It assembled something from start to finish. It only required maintainance. Like programming, refilling nuts and bolts, oiling, or removing jammed objects.

Well the machine started to act up and do things on it’s own. It was trying to pound something in with a big arm.

It went crazy!

The machine was pounding so hard and kept pounding, it started to fall apart and parts were flying. One girl that was a mechanic tried to get in there to the control panel to stop the machine.

And she did even when the machine was hopping around and parts were flying. The machine even tried to stop her.

The work area was destroyed. We were rescued from the plant through a window.

The machine had a part that reached outside that was rambling on and on,

“Must complete the order, production aborted, malfunction, malfunction.”

Here come the strangest part. I was walking away from the plant with Joseph Prince, with his arm on me as we were walking, comforting me. I don’t know where he came from. He must have been there praying for us. I felt amazing comfort, so much peace and relief. I wanted to cry. Makes me wonder did he really reach out to me spiritually at that moment? I wonder if he saw that I pinned him on Pinterest? I haven’t watched Joesph Prince for awhile.

Andre the Giant carried me off

I was at church at a youth service. I was sitting among the children. Service was done I stayed to pray. Being among the children made me sad. reminded me me my children. I cried, I really cried! My face and pillow was wet. There was a group that also stayed to pray. There was music but the choir was gone and the other people were not singing. It was the song How Great Thou Art. I thought the music came from Heaven.

When I left the church I found myself in a strange city. I don’t know the city but it was the church I always go to. I go to I explore the city. There were 200 year old historic buildings. I went into a huge old factory it was turned into an expo center. There was a tour bus and rv camper show in one part and a collectable show in the other. I saw a baseball team. There was so much going on I didn’t get to see it all.

 I got in trouble for putting a scratch on an antique.

Then this huge guy looked like Andre the Giant, he picked me up and yelled at me for calling him ugly. He carried me like a doll and he took me to his camper. He was about to kiss me. I fell asleep in the  dream and moved on to something else.

Da plane! Da plane!

In this dream

I was taking a walk. I was walking on old abandoned railroad tracks. I come to a tricky part where there the tracks turned into a bridge. But it was worn and some boards were missing and I would have to take big steps to get over the gaps. I would have to balance to cross and there was nothing to keep me from falling it was very high.

Then I found a branch off from the tracks, I begun to follow it. It went through some bushes. There were some boards missing on this track too. I noticed the track went over water. I thought the water was just a puddle. I had some pretty rocks I gathered to take home for souvenirs of my hike. I dropped a rock in the water, I could tell by the way it dropped the water was too deep. And the track wasn’t strong enough for me to walk on. It would have sunk into the water. But the view of horizon ahead was beautiful, I could see a huge body of water, like an ocean or Lake Michigan.

I turned back to go to my house.

My dream changed.

I was alone in the first part of the dream.

Then I was with my family.

I saw a strange shaped flying machine in the air; I thought it was a helicopter. It looked like AJ and a character from Veggie Tales. It was a bi-plane with a cartoon face painted on it.

It landed in a flat field I had come across earlier.

I run back to our house to get my family, my husband, 2 sons, and daughter. I couldn’t find my oldest son. I searched the whole house, I couldn’t leave without him. The rest of my family was begging me to leave him behind and that I won’t find him. They were worried they would miss the plane.

I forgot my son was dead.

But somehow my son appeared. We all went happily together to see and we got to sit the plane.


military converting of the world planned

I was dreaming I was at my school. I knew where there was an old abandoned part of the school, that was closed off. I thought was closed off. I went to find the antique library, I found other people had discovered it and were using it. There were students doing homework and reading.

Then I went exploring, then the place was starting to look like a cathedral. I found an gift shop full of religious items. I found these pictures that were , 3D, and people could change the picture whenever they wanted. The shop was full of them.

Then explored some more. I thought I found what was a confessional booth. I always wanted to go inside but was too afraid to. Since no one was around I did it.

It wasn’t a confessional, it was an entrance to a bigger room. I found myself in a mega sized worship room, full of worshippers, a huge choir, and I was right in front of everyone. Nobody paid attention to me, there was too much singing and preaching going on. I just played along and  blended in.

The preacher was dressed in a green military uniform, he called himself soldier for Jesus. The worshippers were also dressed in military uniforms, they were his army. They were getting ready to conquer the world, to convert everyone to believe in Jesus.

I found their secret meeting place. Everyone was suspicious of the preacher, he was also a candidate for US president.

I left the building to tell the world what I found out. When I got outside I found myself nowhere near my home. I wasn’t sure  how to get home from where I was.

as I traveled to find my way home, came across a field, it was the preacher’s military compound and there were military training exercises taking place, with tanks, guns, helicopters,etc.

I was being chased by a soldier MP; just as he was about to catch me, the alarm went off. Saved by the bell!

The library was like an old college library. The fake confessional was ornate with gold curtains. The choir was huge.

The preacher was a skinny short black guy. He didn’t look or act like Obama.

 More like Mr. Jefferson.

size of a thumb

I dreamed I was in a college.

There was a guy who was very popular with the ladies. Women were waiting in line outside his dorm room to have sex with him.

One day, a girl come screaming from his room.

She found him dead.

She found him naked, with just a sheet covering his privates.

I went to in to see what this guy looked like naked.

I removed the sheet.

His penis was the size of a thumb!

I yelled out.

That’s it! Is this what you all were standing in line for?

pregnant again?

I dreamed I was in the hospital. I felt labor pains, but I knew I wasn’t pregnant. The nurse was insisting I stay in the hospital until I had the baby. I kept arguing with the nurse that I wasn’t pregnant.

The nurse kept saying you are about to have a baby at any moment.

I wanted to get out of there I didn’t want to relive labor pains and the pains of giving birth.

I had been sick the past 2 weeks. Sometimes it felt I was pregnant and like I had labor pains

I guess this is what triggered the dream. And I miss my children being babies.

on the job again

In this dream I am back at my old job making wallets.The girl at the front is gluing every piece of leather in the box. I could not stop her. She would not listen.

We were supposed to be making cute little clutches. I was holding the samples for the others to see, maybe she would stop and think.

But the girl up front would not quit and listen to my directions.

We were supposed to do one step at a time according to the directions.

I was stuck with all these glued leather parts and no where to put them.

I had to explain what happened to the supervisor.

I got out of the dream just before the supervisor arrived.


I had this dream, because I didn’t get the job I wanted at leather shoe company.

crazy trip

First, I arrived at an airport with my mom and sister, I have no idea where we are headed.

I lose my mom and sister in the crowd. I end up searching all over for them. That was stupid.

I happened to have my own tickets on me. So I realize I could find my own way to the boarding area of the plane. I thought I would end up where my mom and sister were.

Well I end up searching the whole airport, that’s what it felt like.

I went through an area where there were gambling machines. I stopped to play for awhile. I had to exchange some of my money for plastic coins for the slots.

I ended up winning but there was no time to exchange the coins for real money.

And while I was on way, I found lots of dimes and quarters on the ground. I tried to stop and pick them all up. I felt like I was the only one seeing them. I was ooohing and aaahing every time I saw coins on the ground.

I had to get going to catch the plane.

I still could not find the boarding area. A man approached me, told me he had a faster way to the plane. I followed him to a boat taxi, there airport was near a harbor off the ocean, and a channel in front of the airport.

The boat taxi took us way far out. Didn’t look like we were still near the airport. The boat was jammed of people all trying to get to the same plane. I did not see my mom and sister yet. I was really worried if I was on the right way.

On they way, I saw what looked like to be movie sets, where water scenes and stunts where filmed. The set were all along the way.

I could not see out over the ocean, a dense fog was just liftin

The boat must have arrived and I must have caught the flight and met up with my mom and sister at the destination. The next thing I remember seeing my sister, saying good bye to her boyfriend.

I guess we went to where her boyfriend was to have a little vacation.


The next scene I am at home from the trip.

I am sleeping in my bed upstairs. I hear footsteps coming to the room, and inside and then I heard nothing. Like the person stopped right at my bed. I thought it was my sister coming to bed, but I didn’t hear any sound of my sister getting into bed.

So I started freaking out. I started to say “who is there?” No answer. I could still feel the presence by my bed. I was afraid to look. I did peep a little with one eye. I saw a figure in the dark.

I figured I keep my eyes shut and go back to sleep it would go away or it was just my sister playing a joke on me. But I was scared.


I was also scared it was really happening to me for real. I didn’t want to wake up.

In the morning I went down to find my sister in a corner typing out a letter to her boyfriend to email to him.

I asked her if she came to bed, she said no. I didn’t say what happened while I was sleeping. I didn’t want my mom and sister to think I was crazy.

But I saw that look on my sister’s face, like she knew what I was talking about anyway.

 *Side note

I believe my sister tricked my when I was younger. I had a dream where I asked God if he still loved me. I know I asked it out loud. I heard myself.

I swear I heard God answer in a booming voice, YES!

I think it really was my sister talking back to me tricking me to believe God was really talking to me. She denied it.


Then I went to do the laundry. I used the plastic coins I had left, they worked. I overloaded the machine I was using, it overheated and quit.

I checked out the other washing machine. I discovered my sister was using it quit too, and she used way too much soap, suds were everywhere.

Well I knew I was in big trouble with my mom, I didn’t want to stay to see what happened next. I realized it was a dream where could just quit.


quick changes

First part of the dream my husband appeared. I was surprised to find him. He reassured he was there to stay. We laid down together to sleep for the night.

The next day there was a party for his return.

This is where it gets weird.

I this is where I think my husband escaped from where he was.

My husband, our children and some friends took off for a ride the car. The car was jammed with people.

But when I looked a little closer to who was in the car. The car was full of Mexican men.

Not there is a problem with Mexican men, I just don’t know these men. Strangers were in our car with us.

But my husband was still in the front passenger side.

I think this was his help to hide him. Maybe they were his friends from where he was.

Then when we approached a hill, I looked again to who was all in the car. Now the driver is a black man, I believe he is nephew of my husband.

I don’t know how or when this person got into the car. I didn’t see it happen.

We drove into the country, to an abandoned farm house. We were going to make this our new home.

While I was busy making the house a livable house and taking care of the children.

My husband and the nephew were shooting guns out the window like an old western. There were flashes in the sky. I really don’t know what the fight was about. This reminded me of War of the Worlds movie.

I was told not to worry take care of the house and kid, everything was under control.

These ladies appeared. They come to help me. But the treat me like I am helpless. They tried to make whatever was available to make sets of chairs and tables. There were a lot of wooden kitchen chairs and boards. They just propped chairs together and put a board over the top. They made so many tables with boards and chairs, they forgot to leave some chairs to sit on.

These ladies were driving me crazy and the whole dream was driving me crazy, I just quit!

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